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By Laws

Laverton Wyndham Aquatics (LWA) Club By-Laws

Effective Date: 24 August 2024


These By-Laws are made by the Committee of Laverton Wyndham Aquatics Inc. (LWA) (referred to as “the Club” hereinafter). The Committee shall have the power to create or amend the By Laws for the efficient operation of the Club. They are binding on all members of LWA and are to be interpreted in conjunction with the constitution. 


1. Club Membership

1.1 Membership Availability
Membership is open to individuals of all ages. Members aged 18 and over are entitled to vote at Annual and Special General Meetings. Members affiliated with Swimming Victoria and Masters Victoria are eligible for election to the General Committee.

1.2 Annual Membership Fee
Covers affiliation with district, state, and national swimming bodies, as well as some club administration expenses. Membership fees are payable as follows:

  • For new members: immediately upon joining the Club.

  • For renewing Masters Swimming Australia members: by December 31 each year or before submitting the first competition entry, whichever comes first.

  • For renewing Swimming Australia members: by June 30 each year or before submitting the first competition entry, whichever comes first.

1.3 Competitive Swimming Membership
Laverton Wyndham Aquatics offers two options for competitive swimming membership:

  • Laverton Wyndham Aquatics Swimming Club: Open to swimmers of all ages. This membership is affiliated with Swimming Victoria and Swimming Australia, running from July 1 to June 30.

  • Laverton Wyndham Aquatics Masters Swimming Club: Open to swimmers aged 18 and over. This membership is affiliated with Masters Swimming Victoria and Masters Swimming Australia, running from January 1 to December 31. It entitles members to compete in Masters events sanctioned by Masters Swimming Australia, Masters Swimming Victoria, and affiliated clubs.

1.4 Non-Competitive Membership
Available to individuals who wish to be covered by Swimming Australia’s public liability and personal accident insurance, including Technical Officials, Life Members, and other non-competitive roles. Parents or guardians of swimmers aged 15 years or under are required to be members, such as dry members. Fun Swim is another category, available only during the first year of joining a swimming club, allowing participation in club events and non-official encouragement meets.

1.5 Refund of Membership Fees
Membership fees are generally non-refundable. Exceptional circumstances may be considered upon written request to the club secretary, with the final decision at the discretion of the Committee.


2. General Committee

2.1 Committee Positions
The General Committee is responsible for managing the club’s operations. Positions include President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, District Delegate, and Member Protection Information Officer.

2.2 Sub-Committees
Standing sub-committees may be appointed for various tasks, including fundraising, grants, uniforms, sponsorships, and events.

2.3 Sub-Committee Authority
Sub-committees operate under the General Committee’s oversight and must adhere to club rules and by-laws. They may not make financial commitments without prior authorisation from the committee.

2.4 Committee Member Conduct
Committee members must abide by the Club's Code of Conduct. Breaches will be handled by the Executive Committee, with potential penalties including suspension and financial penalties.


3. Swimmers

3.1 Registration Requirements
All swimmers must be registered as affiliated members of Swimming Victoria or Masters Victoria before participating in any club activities.

3.2 Standard of Behaviour
Swimmers are expected to maintain a high standard of behaviour and self-discipline at all times. Disciplinary actions may be taken for any breaches.

3.3 Uniform
LWA is a proud club that highly values the supportive, team environment that we strive to create. The Club expects its swimmers to represent the Club with pride, upholding the values that the Club stands for. All Club swimmers and team managers are expected to comply with the Uniform Policy.  LWA swimmers are strongly encouraged to wear the club uniform during training.

The Club has two distinct uniforms:

  • General Uniform: (to be worn at Victorian sanctioned swim meets, or other occasions as the Club directs) comprising of LWA cap, LWA Polo or T- shirt, LWA Shorts, LWA Hoodie

  • Nationals Uniform: (when representing the Club at National events, or other National event related occasions where the Club directs) comprising of LWA Tracksuit Jacket & Pants, LWA Polo or T-Shirt, LWA Shorts and LWA Cap.


During medal presentations swimmers must wear the Club’s LWA Polo or Round Neck T Shirt however during Nationals’ medal presentations, swimmers must wear the full Nationals uniform.


Swimmers qualifying and attending Swimming Australian Victorian State Championships are to be presented with an event specific T-shirt and a state cap, at Club’s discretion. Those swimmers qualifying and attending Swimming Australia National Championships are presented with a National Team Uniform consisting of National Polo/T-shirt and a national cap. Club reserved the right to change the supplied uniform.


Club supporters are able to purchase items from the uniform range (other than Nationals uniform) and are encouraged to wear them at meets.


4. Club Coaches

4.1 Qualifications
Club coaches must be registered with Swimming Victoria and hold relevant qualifications, including a current Working with Children certificate.

4.2 Responsibilities
Club coaches oversee swimmer development at club events and provide training programs in consultation with and under the supervision of the Director of Coaching, ensuring alignment of training goals. Any ASCTA-qualified swimming coach is reminded of their responsibility to adhere to the ASCTA Code of Conduct, which includes informing any immediate past coach of the athlete’s intention to change coach affiliation, where practicable.

4.3 Parent-Coach Interaction
Parents wanting to discuss matters with coaches must arrange meetings outside squad training times and competition meets.


5. Family Participation

5.1 Participation Requirement
Families must assist during Club Sundays or at any other events as directed by club officials. It is a requirement for some swim meets that LWA provides volunteers to help run the event, including timekeepers. It is the responsibility of the family to find a replacement if they are unable to assist on the day.

5.2 Club Championships
To be eligible for Club Championship Awards, participation in at least 60% of Club Sundays is required.


6. Safe Sport Framework

LWA is committed to maintaining a safe environment for all participants. The club adheres to the Swimming Australia Safe Sport Framework and Victorian Child Safe Standards, ensuring the safety and well-being of all members.


7. Teams

7.1 Team Nominations and Selection
Swimmers will be automatically considered for team events if they enter individual competitions. Selection is based on the best times and qualifying criteria, with final decisions made by the coaches.

7.2 Uniform and Participation
Swimmers must wear the official club uniform at all team events. Failure to participate in a selected team event may result in penalties or exclusion from future participation.


8. Club Competitions

8.1 Event Structure
The club hosts regular competitions to improve swimmers’ skills and prepare for inter-club events.

8.2 Event Etiquette and Conduct
Swimmers must adhere to event etiquette, including remaining in the water until instructed to exit by an official.

8.3 Bather Rule
The Swimming Victoria bather rule applies to all swimmers aged 11 and under, restricting the use of technical/performance suits in competitions.


9. Championships

9.1 Championship Format
Club championships consist of long and short course events, with eligibility based on attendance and membership criteria.


10. Club Records

10.1 Record Establishment
Club records are established for the fastest times in each stroke, distance, and age group.


11. Support for State and National Swimmers

11.1 Funding Allocation
The club may allocate funds, sponsorships or other forms of assistance to support swimmers who qualify for state and national competitions. This annual assistance is at the discretion of the committee.

11.1.2 The LWA Swimming Scholarship

This scholarship aims to foster swimmers with proven potential as competitive swimmers who may not have access to the high standard of facilities and coaching that are available at LWA. It is envisaged that the successful applicant/s will join an appropriate training squad as directed by the coaching team and receive complimentary club membership, squad training, flights to Australian National Championships, if the recipient qualifies for this event, and club uniform. The period of the Scholarship is one year. Existing LWA members and past winners of the scholarship, will not be eligible to apply. The Club reserves the right that, not to award any scholarship, award more than one scholarship and may also award a scholarship part way through the year. The decision of the Club will be final.

11.1.3 National Swimmer' Grant

LWA encourages and supports swimmers to aspire to the highest level of competition they can achieve. This policy is to assist swimmers qualifying for the Australian National Championships (Age, MultiClass, Open and Open Water) to perform at their best within a supportive team environment by providing a financial grant which would go towards the expenses incurred because of their attendance at such an event. Club members, not achieving an individual qualifying swim time, but invited by the Club head coach to be a member of a relay team shall, subject to the capacity of the club to pay, receive a financial contribution from the club that does not exceed 25% of the amount advanced to qualified swimmers. This grant will also apply to "relay only" swimmers and emergencies alike. Eligible members must make written application for funds under this policy, and if under 18, represented by a Parent/Guardian after the event would have taken place.


To be eligible the swimmer must have been a financial member of LWA for the previous and current financial year, having no outstanding fees and be free of any disciplinary action, pending or otherwise, as detailed within the Club's constitution. The swimmer must have participated at the nominated event and competed in the targeted swim meets and Club Sundays as determined by their Coach.


The Treasurer will be responsible for presentation to the Executive Committee of available funds, as well as the distribution of funds within this policy. The amount of funds available will be determined by the following:

  • Amount of sponsorship funds and services available.

  • Affordability of this policy in any given year, considering the club’s current financial standing

  • Number of swimmers and team managers attending in any given year


Despite the above, should a swimmer be unable to attend these events due to financial hardship, then that swimmer or their parent/guardian, may make a confidential written application to the Executive Committee, for additional funds to ensure the swimmers attendance. Each application will be individually assessed and determined by the Executive Committee.


Should a swimmer not attend or wish not to accept the financial support, then those funds will not be distributed. However, if a swimmer do not compete at any of the meets listed above due to injury, illness, it is assumed that the swimmer would have competed at the meet, and hence funding would still be given. Should no swimmer qualify in any particular year, then the funds, including sponsorship, will not rollover to the next calendar year.


The Executive Committee’s decision shall be final, and details provided in the Treasurer's report of the relevant General Meeting.


11.2 Awards and Recognition
Swimmers who qualify and attend national competitions receive recognition and awards based on their achievements.


12. Life Membership

12.1 Nomination.

Life Membership may be awarded to members who have provided outstanding service to the club. Any person or persons may be elected as a Life Member of the Club at any Annual or Extraordinary General Meetings of the Club. This is in recognition of special services rendered over a period of not less than five (5) years to the sport of swimming and the Club. Each nominee shall be recommended to the Committee for consideration and if approved by the Committee, be submitted for election at the Annual General Meeting of the Club, and carried by a three quarters majority of those present and eligible to vote. A Life Member shall be entitled to attend and speak to any motion at all meetings of the Club and shall have such other privileges as as non-competitive members or as may be decided upon from time to time by the Club. A Life Member is entitled to election to office or the Committee with full voting power. The Club will cover their annual membership fees.

12.2 Removal.

The Club can remove the life membership which would have been conferred by the same Club. Should there be a serious misconduct by this person including bringing the Club to disrepute then the Committee would need to nominate and approve such recommendation for submission at the Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting of the Club. If approved by the Committee, it would then need to be submitted for approval at the Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting of the Club and would require a three quarters majority of those present and eligible to vote.


13. Media

13.1 Club Website.

Maintenance of website contents shall be by the club’s Website Co-ordinator who  does not have to be a member of the club’s committee but shall keep the committee informed of all updates and content of the website. The Website Coordinator shall maintain the club’s website so that club members and the general public have internet based access to up to date information about the club, upcoming events, meet results and club records etc.

13.2  Public Statements and Media Releases.

The Club President shall be the authorised spokesperson for the club and is authorised to issue media releases, be part of interviews for print, electronic and web-based media. No committee member or member of the club’s coaching staff is authorised to issue statements to any form of media unless authorised by the Club President.


14. Complaints and Grievances

14.1 Grievance Procedure
Grievances must be submitted in writing to the Member Protection Officer (MPO). All grievances are handled with confidentiality and fairness.

14.2 Complaint Handling
Complaints against members or the committee must be submitted to the Club Secretary. Complaints will be addressed at the next General Committee meeting.

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